作者:系统管理员 发布日期:2018-12-05 浏览次数:2807


报告人:美国休斯敦大学 孙力 教授



邀请人:新能源材料与技术研究所 陶新永 教授




Carbon nanomaterials have caught extensive research and application development interests since 1980s. Highlighted by the 1996 Noble prize in Chemistry and the 2010 Noble in Physics, carbon based structures maybe the most studied and mentioned nanomaterials. Many companies are now capable of producing carbon nanomaterials on the order of hundreds tons/per year, but there still exists a tremendous gap of mass application of these materials. With the interest of polymer composite development shifted to nanoscale fillers, material synthesis quality control and throughput becomes important. In our recent study, the vapor-grown carbon nanofibers (VCNFs) and graphene materials were used to instead of the commonly used carbon nanotubes for polymer composite development. To improve processing reproducibility, a multi-step dispersion and micro filtration process was developed to assemble the loose CNFs into self-supportive paper sheets form and become a novel platform to achieve multifunctionalities. After incorporating carbon nanomaterials with elastic polymers, significant electro-mechanical coupling effects can be observed. This effect can have extensive application potentials in developing lightweight and high strength composites that can have self-sensing and structure health monitoring capabilities. At the same time, these composites can have improved electromagnetic field shielding and static discharge characteristic together with improved vibration damping and noise reduction functions. Through this example, we expect to demonstrate the great potential of designing non-traditional nanomaterials and developing non-conventional nanomanufacturing techniques.



孙力博士目前是休斯敦大学机械工程系教授和研究生招生主任。他同时也是材料工程,德州超导中心,国家风能中心和水下工程专业教授。孙力教授 1993 年南京大学物理系本科毕业,直博师从闵乃本院士。1997 年入学约翰霍普金斯大学师从 Peter Searson 和钱嘉陵教授,2002 年获材料科学与工程博士。2003年加入休斯敦大学。至今发表 SCI 论文 100 余篇,30。其中超过 35 篇论文发表在影响因子高于 3.5 的杂志上。承担美国国家自然科学基金,美国教育部,NASA 及工业界项目 32 项,获得资助金额超过400 万美元。参加包括美国国家科学基金,能源部和国际基金评审超过 20 次。指导的研究生,本科生和高中生获得 20 余次科研奖和奖学金。拥有 2 项美国和 7 项中国发明专利,另有 2 项美国专利在审。近几年来,孙力博士在碳纳米纤维高分子复合材料和纳米功能材料在能源/生物传感器/介入治疗方面取得了多项成果。在能源材料及水下工程领域,孙力博士获得了包括 GE Oil & Gas, Cameron, Schlumberger, NOV, Downhole Technology 在内的一系列企业的资助,开发了多项测试方法及产品。