• 学术动态

作者:学院办公室 发布日期:2024-01-17 浏览次数:358

报告题目:Upconversion nanophotonic systems

报 告 人:悉尼科技大学 金大勇 教授



邀 请 人:功能材料研究所 余靓 教授





金大勇,澳大利亚工程院院士,澳大利亚桂冠学者,澳大利亚量子生物技术卓越研究中心技术主任,美国医学与生物工程学会会士,中国光学工程学会会士,常务理事。1979 年2月生于辽宁阜新。2007年博士毕业于麦考瑞大学,2015年任悉尼科技大学生物医学材料及仪器研究所所长。曾先后组建了澳大利亚生物医学器件与技术转化中心,中澳科技部资助的便携式体外诊断技术联合研究中心。于2015年荣获尤里卡奖,2017年荣获澳洲科学院工程科学奖,澳大利亚总理科学奖。已发表论文200余篇,包括 Nature及其子刊 30余篇,是爱思唯尔全球0.1%高被引学者。专业领域涵盖纳米光学、仪器工程、生物光子学等领域。目前从事单分子检测、细胞器功能成像、空间组学、超分辨成像等基础和应用研究。



I will showcase the recent advances made in nano photonics, bio photonics, and quantum photonics, enabling their transformation into cellular probes and single-molecule sensors. I will present the recently discovered advances in a new family of nanophotonic “Super Dots” that can up-convert infrared photons into intense visible light at the nanoscale. Each single Super Dot can be highly doped with more than 10^4 lanthanide ions for high brightness and nonlinear optical responses. Several fascinating properties have been discovered since to allow high-throughput bio-discoveries, data storage, single nanoparticle lasing and high-security-level anti-counterfeiting applications, setting records for the tracking of single-molecule transport, super-resolution microscopy, nanoscale thermometry, optical tweezers, and recently super-capacity digital assays, as well as the Australian development of rapid antigen test with single molecule sensitivities. The toolbox will enable super-resolution imaging of single molecules and live cells in their physiological environment, to watch subcellular compartments at work and understand the nanoscale world inside living cells.