• 学术动态

作者:学院办公室 发布日期:2023-02-18 浏览次数:2154

  报告题目:Novel Flame Retardants and Flowing Enhancers Based on Ionic Liquids

  报 告 人:诺为新材料公司 徐延杰 博士



  邀 请 人:高分子材料与工程研究所 王旭 教授



徐延杰毕业于东华大学获得应用化学本科(1997)和硕士(2000),师从周翔院士。2005年毕业于美国科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado at Boulder)获得化学工程博士学位。并于2002年初 入选工信部“启明”长期创新人才计划。徐延杰博士论文研究期间基于溶质液晶材料开发了第一款具有纳米孔径结构的高分子有机酸性催化剂。研究成果发表在JACS,并被C&EN News整版报道。博士毕业后,徐博士在风投创始公司ZettaCore开发了基于离子液体和纳米颗粒的有机离子导电薄膜。2009年加盟技术风投公司Intellectual Ventures开发了含有光催化剂的纳米颗粒污染的高分子絮凝剂,并开发了含有可降解双酚A生物酶的PC塑料的涂层。2009年,徐延杰首次提出离子液体阻燃剂和流动剂概念,并从12年起专注于离子液体添加剂的产业化。目前,徐延杰开发的产品已被全球头部企业采用投放市场(巴斯夫、Sabic等)。



Ionic liquids — salts in a liquid state at ambient conditions — make up a fascinating family of materials whose unique physical properties have made them highly sought after for many challenging applications. Inovia Materials LLC is the first company in the world to patent and commercialize ionic liquids for polymer additive applications. Inovia’s flame retardant for PMMA is the first and only case to afford high retardancy with the transparency intact. Inovia’s flame retardant for PC is the first and only halogen free product that can make transparent retarding PC film and sheet. Inovia’s flowing enhancer products can significantly improve the flowing behaviors of engineering and high-performance plastics without affecting the thermal and mechanical properties of the plastics. In collaboration with a public traded company in Hangzhou, Inovia Materials LLC has established the largest manufacturing capacities of ionic liquids in the world and is positioned to replace and expand the applications of traditional flame retardants and flowing enhancers with high “green chemistry” qualities, superior performance, and enhanced properties.